The New Single from Three Blind Wolves Makes Me So Happy

I tried to come up with a clever headline, but ultimately gave up; I was too blindsided (har, har) by the discovery that Three Blind Wolves had a new single. 'Stay Calm Ali' is the first track from their new EP, due March 25th, and I already know the song will catapult its way to the top of my most-played list. 

I hadn't seen much from the Glaswegians since the release of their debut album Sing Hallelujah for the Old Machine, an amped-up, rockier version of the Americana-tinged EP that first charmed its way to my heart, Sound of the Storm

I have a real soft spot for Sound of the StormI first discovered it in college (it got me through a lot of gym sessions, thanks guys) and I saw the band play it right after I landed at my very first SXSW. I'll probably adore that EP until I'm old and grey.

'Stay Calm Ali' feels like an extension of songs like 'Echo on the Night Train'—more polished, maybe, but just as infectious.